When I thought about putting together a list of favorite books for boys my son’s age, I realized my best resource for suggestions would be… my 12-year-old son!

Once upon a time, he didn’t like to read much. I had to bait him into it with exciting incentives, rewards and very thin books with more pictures than words. All this in hopes that he would actually read an entire book. And now? Now I find him staying up late to read “Just one more chapter, mom!” He reads in the car, on his bed, and for hours on the sofa (instead of doing his chores). He reads adventure stories, survival stories, mystery stories, comics and minecraft stories. He LOVES to read!  How did this happen?  Well, I’d say time and patience. A little maturity. And many trips to the library to find just the right kind of stories that he will actually WANT to read.

If you have a son who is around the ages of 8-12, who doesn’t like to read, take heart. He may still turn out to be a lover of books with encouragement, incentive and some amazing stories that capture his imagination.

Here are my son’s top 10 picks. (At least the ones he and I could think of. I’m sure there are many more we forgot about). I hope you will check these out and maybe your boys will enjoy them, too.

#1 – I SURVIVED series, by Lauren Tarshis

This series has over 15 books in it, each one about a real exciting and terrifying event in history that features an unforgettable heroic kid, surviving against all odds. These books can be found at your local library, or here. Three of my son’s favorite titles from this series are: I Survived: The Shark Attack’s of 1916, I Survived: The Sinking of The Titanic 1912, and I Survived: The Joplin Tornado 2011.

#2- Storm Runners, by Roland Smith

This is an edge-of-your-seat thrilling adventure series with lots of action and great characters. My kids really enjoyed listening to the audio books on the drive to school. The series includes three books, you can find them at your local library, or find them online here.

#3- Herobrine’s Revenge (A Gameknight999 Adventure) by Mark Cheverton

My son loves to play Minecraft on his iPad, so when he discovered there were also books about Minecraft adventures, he was thrilled! His favorite series is: Herobrine’s Revenge. These books are called “Unofficial Minecrafters Adventures”. There are three books in this series, but Mark Cheverton has written many other minecraft adventure stories. (By the way, he has a very cool website for kids and adults. You can check it out here). Find his books at any library, or online here.  My son also loves the book: Zombies Attack!: Rise of the Warlords Book 1. These are great fun for kids who love Minecraft!

#4- Stranded, by Jeff Probst

When my son picked this book up, he couldn’t put it down! The plot is about a family vacation that becomes a game of survival. There’s a massive storm, four shipwrecked kids alone on a rocky jungle island, and no adults…. Can they make it home alive?  This book is full of excitement and danger. Boys will love it! There are three books in the original Stranded series, and three more in the Stranded: Shadow Island series. Find them online here.

#5- Dog Tags series, by C. Alexander London

This series of four stand-alone books each explore the bond between soldier and his dog in times of war. My son found these very inspiring; each book is filled with action and heroic characters, and the dogs they work with. I love the themes of loyalty and bravery. Great series for boys of all ages. Find here.

 #6- Peter and the Star Catchers, by Dave Barry & Ridley Pearson

If you are a fan of Peter Pan, you will love these fast-paced fantasy-adventure stories. We stumbled upon this series through Audible a few months ago, and began listening to the audiobook version. Jim Dale, the narrator, is one of the best you will ever hear. Hilarious! More than once we ended up sitting in our car in the driveway, held captive by the story, unable to turn it off.  Everyone enjoys this series, (including mom and dad). I love the authors’ take on his origin, and how they reveal the secrets and mysteries of the beloved Peter Pan. So far, there are four books in the series. You can find the first book here. And the audiobook here.

#7- My Father’s Dragon, by Ruth Stiles Gannett

In this wonderful, imaginative adventure story, a young boy, Elmer Elevator, runs away to Wild Island to rescue a baby Dragon. My son appreciated the humor in the story, and the creativity of the main character.  You can find the book here.

 #8- Voyage with the Vikings (Imagination Station Books), by Paul McCusker & Marianne Hering

When Patrick and Beth visit their friend Mr. Whittaker, a kind but mysterious inventor, he sends them back in time through his Imagination Station. The cousins travel to various lands and times, trying to follow clues and solve the mysteries. Similar to The Magic Treehouse stories, but written from a Christian perspective, these action-packed adventures are meant to inspire kids’ imaginations. My son (and daughter) loved all 17+ of these books. You can find them here.

#9- The Dangerous Book for Boys, by Conn & Hal Iggulden

This bestselling book is perfect for every boy from eight to eighty, covering essential boyhood skills such as building tree houses and paper airplanes, learning how to fish, finding true north, and even answering the age old question of what the big deal with girls is. It’s full of all kinds of information that a boy will find fun and useful. Also a good book to get a reluctant reader interested in reading. As a mom, I love the themes of hard work, perseverance and humility. Find your copy here.

#10- The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes: A Calvin and Hobbes Treasury,by Bill Watterson

Bill Watterson is the creator of Calvin and Hobbes, one of the most popular and well-regarded cartoon strips of the twentieth century.  When my husband first pulled his old comic books out, my son couldn’t get enough of them. Calvin, the six-year-old dirty trickster and master of indignation and his warm, cuddly sidekick Hobbes, (a philosophical tiger), have one crazy adventure after another. Boys of all ages will appreciate the antics of this unlikely duo.