Daily Words of Life for Daughters of the King

Dear Friend,

The Bible says that we are a royal priesthood and that we belong with God – to the Lord Almighty our Heavenly Father – which makes us daughters of the King. As daughters of the King, we are Princesses. We have a regal rank and are the feminine equivalent of a prince (from Latin princeps, meaning principal citizen). I hope this series of daily readings inspires and enlightens you to the beautiful princess you are in God. -Sara


“Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.”

-Proverbs 16:24

You are a ruby in God’s hand – a precious jewel that sparkles and shines with many wonderful sides. Will you dare to dream with God? He has such wonderful hopes and dreams for you! Things that you can do together, if you are willing.

You see yourself as a pebble, nothing but an ordinary, plain pebble. But He sees you as a ruby! You have been treated like a pebble by other people, but God treats you with great value. Will you receive the value he has set on you? -Journal Entry

This is a special word of encouragement I gave to a friend years ago. It was amazing to see how my obedience (to share the word) became a great blessing to her.

            Pray and ask God for words of encouragement to give to the people in your life. Even if you can’t see their brokenness on the outside, God sees it. He knows when someone needs to hear an encouraging word, and he wants to use you to deliver it! Don’t be afraid to step out, even if it doesn’t make sense to you. It can be a huge blessing to the person you are sharing with.